John & Shawn Orcutt


  • We have been representing consumer debtors in bankruptcy since 1986.
  • Biggest consumer debtor bankruptcy law firm in North Carolina. 
  • Have helped over 70,343 families get free from the burden of debt. 
  • Highest filer of Chapter 7 and 13 cases in the State, and one of the highest filers in the Nation. 
  • Partner, Ed Boltz was President of NACBA and still active on the national level.
    • Helped create the LLM mortgage modification program. 
    • Helped bring about the new student loan forgiveness program. 
  • We have the largest, most complete, consumer debtor bankruptcy website in the United States ( .
  • We handle cases from all 100 counties in North Carolina. 
  • We have 6 fully functioning, fully staffed, offices. 
  • We have handled every conceivable bankruptcy related issue. 

Requirements For Future Tigers

  • Must be or want to be a full-time bankruptcy attorney. 
  • Must already be filing at least 5 to 20  chapter 7 and 13 cases per month. 
    • This shows commitment and execution. 
  • Must already have a good reputation as a competent bankruptcy attorney. 
  • Must want to be the dominate player in your local bankruptcy bar. 
  • Must be committed to the goal of filing at least 100 cases per month. 
  • Must want to make a lot more money. 
  • Must possess a discovered or undiscovered, but apparent, “inner” business man or woman. 
  • Must be willing to put in at least 60 hours of work every week. 
    • As opposed to the 80 to 90 hours per week we put in..
  • Must be willing to do whatever it takes, for as long as it takes. 
    • At least the next 10 years of your life. 
  • Will need to be thinking about your business all the time, 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. 
    • You are basically giving over your life to the business.  You don’t just own a business.  You are the business. 
    • Example: John Orcutt. “I have thought about almost nothing else than my business since 1985. “
Last, but maybe most important: You need to be passionate about your business. In a nutshell, you need to love it.

  • “Do what you love and you will love what you do.”
  • Embarking on the journey to massively build your firm is just too hard and too time consuming to not love the whole process. If you love it, you will revel in every system you put in place, every problem you puzzle through, and every time your filings increase. It’s massive fun to see it grow and mature.  If you don’t love it, it will be a lot more like work than fun. That does not mean there won’t be dog days, weeks and maybe even months full of problems. Join the club. That’s just life. If it was a cake-walk, everybody would be doing it, and no one would be making any money. 
  • I always told my kids: “Find a job you can be passionate about, and your whole career will seem like it was ten minutes long.  Take on a job you hate, and every day will seem like an eternity.” 

Our Mission

To help firms that want to grow, to accelerate them faster than they could normally go by avoiding the hurdles we have already overcome.  

Our Vision

To be the recipe, formula, or path for other consumer, debtor law firms to utilize to help launch them years forward in their progress ahead of their competition in this already difficult market.